Europe, Middle East, Africa
Viel Lüfterlärm und jede Menge Abwärme erzeugten die 100 PC-Arbeitsplätze in dem Saal, in dem die Studenten der Elektrotechnik an der RWTH Aachen ihr Praktikum absolvieren. Damit ist nun Schluss: Desktop-Virtualisierung macht die herkömmlichen PCs überflüssig.
Using computers as a systematic learning aid is still a dream of the future. Recent studies1 show that usage of available IT infrastructure in schools is below average and currently it doesn’t even meet today’s requirements. Nearly 80 percent of students in secondary schools never use computers in the core subjects such as languages, mathematics and sciences.
Using computers as a systematic learning aid is still a dream of the future. Recent studies1 show that usage of available IT infrastructure in schools is below average and currently it doesn’t even meet today’s requirements. Nearly 80 percent of students in secondary schools never use computers in the core subjects such as languages, mathematics and sciences.