Europe, Middle East, Africa

Quote - Sumit Dhawan - Citrix

"La transformación en estilos de trabajo, móvil y hacia informática en la nube, está ocurriendo con una velocidad sin precedentes. Al trabajar con socios como NComputing, con su experiencia en la creación de soluciones de clientes ligeros para entornos virtualizados, ayudamos a las empresas a expandir rápidamente sus despliegues de virtualización de escritorios con nuevos dispositivos de muy bajo costo que permiten a los usuarios disfrutar de un experiencia superior de HDX de alta definición.


Quote - Sumit Dhawan - Citrix

"Die Transformation in Cloud Computing und mobile Arbeitsstile erfolgt in ungeahntem Tempo. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern, wie z. B. NComputing mit seiner Erfahrung bei der Erstellung von Thin Client-Lösungen für virtualisierte Umgebungen, unterstützen wir Unternehmen bei der schnellen Erweiterung der Desktop-Virtualisierung mit neuen, kostengünstigen Geräten, die hochwertige hochauflösende HDX-Erfahrungen für Benutzer bieten. Die neue NComputing Thin Client-Reihe bietet den Kunden kostengünstige, leistungsfähige Thin Clients für virtuelle Desktop-Umgebungen."


Quote - Sumit Dhawan - Citrix

"A transformação na computação em nuvem e nos estilos de trabalho móveis está acontecendo a um ritmo sem precedentes. Ao trabalhar com parceiros como a NComputing, com sua experiência na criação de soluções de Thin Client para ambientes virtualizados, ajudamos as empresas a expandirem rapidamente as implementações de virtualização de desktop com equipamentos de muito baixo custo que oferecem aos usuários uma experiência de HDX de alta definição superior.


Quote - Sumit Dhawan - Citrix

"Transformation in cloud computing and mobile work styles is happening at an unprecedented pace. By working with partners such as NCompuitng with its expertise building thin client solutions for virtualized environments, we are helping enterprises rapidly expand desktop virtualization deployments with new very low-cost devices that deliver a superior high-definition HDX experience for users. Ncomputing new thin client line will give our customers a low-cost, high-performance thin client for their virtual desktop environments."


W polskim szkolnictwie od lat trwa proces informatyzacji, który w ostatnim czasie nabrał nie tylko na znaczeniu w edukacji, ale także obwarowany został wieloma wymaganiami. Szkoły zmuszone są do zwiększenia ilości stanowisk komputerowych, zapewnienia ich dostępności dla jak największej liczby uczniów, a jednocześnie ograniczone są budżetem, który rzadko pozwala na zakup nowych komputerów PC i zwiększenie nakładów finansowych na ich obsługę.


Polish schools have been dealing with computerisation for years now. Recently, the process has gained in importance as well as becoming subject to a growing number of requirements. Schools are forced to increase the numbers of their computer stations to ensure they are available to as many pupils as possible. Yet schools are facing budget constraints which means that they can rarely afford new PC purchases or foot the growing bill for computer maintenance.


Polish schools have been dealing with computerisation for years now. Recently, the process has gained in importance as well as becoming subject to a growing number of requirements. Schools are forced to increase the numbers of their computer stations to ensure they are available to as many pupils as possible. Yet schools are facing budget constraints which means that they can rarely afford new PC purchases or foot the growing bill for computer maintenance.

English (UK)

NComputing, Inc. is the fastest growing application delivery and desktop virtualization company in the world with over 20 million daily users in 140 countries. The company's award-winning, patented technology lowers desktop computing costs, enriches user experience, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste. It is the perfect solution for leveraging the power and potential of PCs, tablets, BYOD and cloud computing to enable users to access the applications, desktops and data from any device anywhere, anytime.


Autoradam is a Dutch car rental and lease firm, headquartered in the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands. Along with its location in Almere, that has a car wash and petrol station, it has a new petrol station situated in Amsterdam, which will soon open a car rental and car wash. There are also plans afoot to expand further.

English (UK)

Autoradam is a Dutch car rental and lease firm, headquartered in the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands. Along with its location in Almere, that has a car wash and petrol station, it has a new petrol station situated in Amsterdam, which will soon open a car rental and car wash. There are also plans afoot to expand further.

