
Der Computer als systematische Lernhilfe ist in Schulen noch Zukunftsmusik. Bisherige Studien zeigen1, dass die verfügbare IT-Ausstattung in Schulen unterdurchschnittlich genutzt wird, sofern sie heutigen Ansprüchen überhaupt genügt. Nahezu 80 Prozent der Schüler in weiterführenden Schulen nutzen nie Computer in den Kernbereichen Deutsch, Mathematik, Englisch und Naturwissenschaften.


‘No Guarantee’ Students Could Use Computers

When Ray Kase joined Downingtown Area School District (DASD) as director of technology, his most immediate challenge was clear: Slow and unreliable computers meant less computer time for the 12,000 K-12 students in the district just west of Philadelphia. Classrooms, labs and libraries throughout the city were filled with computers in desperate need of replacement.


The state of Punjab is the most populous province of Pakistan, with approximately 55 percent of the country’s total population. With an aim to boost computer literacy in the state, the government of Pakistan laid the foundation of an ambitious initiative called the “Punjab IT Labs Project.”

