Caso de éxito

Despliegue de puestos de Trabajo rápidos, simples y a menor costo a nivel Nacional

Empresa uruguaya líder en servicio de acompañamiento para enfermos y adultos mayores es líder en virtualización de escritorios con ahorros directos y ecológicos

Pueblo de los Bellos Atardeceres y Capital del Surfing de Puerto Rico se mueve hacia un modelo ecológico de virtualización de escritorios

Institución educativa salvadoreña avanza de forma planificada hacia un modelo revolucionario de virtualización de escritorios con generación de ahorros
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Older PCs have higher failure rates, and may not support the latest OS and applications you need. But even new PCs have labor intensive maintenance due to software updates, and malware and configuration issues. PC replacement is an opportunity to say goodbye to these issues by using thin clients and session based desktop virtualization.
More and more educators advocate a 1:1 PC ratio at the classroom level to better teach and engage students. But costs for deploying traditional PCs include acquisition costs, maintenance hours, and power and cooling costs.
In an effort to establish a future-proof IT platform, schools are turning to desktop virtualization to achieve 1:1 computing without straining existing resources or budgets.
Schools across the US are gearing up to support state mandated online testing. NComputing, the leader in thin client computing for K-12, manufactures the vSpace thin client solution for Windows that meets the requirements of both major US test consortiums (PARCC and SBAC) and has been certified as “TestNav Qualified”.
Providers require the ability to access applications quickly and easily to provide quality care and patients want the ability to access the internet for email, entertainment, news, and health care information. Desktop Virtualization delivers a computing solution that addresses the need of both the caregiver and the patient.
La virtualización de escritorios de NComputing es la visión moderna del concepto tradicional en el que múltiples usuarios comparten el poder de procesamiento de un solo ordenador. Este enfoque ofrece varias ventajas sobre el modelo tradicional del PC, entre las que se incluyen unes costes generales más bajos, mejor aprovechamiento energético y una gestión simplificada.
NComputing desktop virtualization is a modern take on the time-honored concept where multiple users share the processing power of a single computer. This approach has several advantages over the traditional PC model, including lower overall costs, better energy efficiency, and simplified administration.