United States

NComputing, Inc. is the fastest growing application delivery and desktop virtualization company in the world with over 20 million daily users in 140 countries. The company's award-winning, patented technology lowers desktop computing costs, enriches user experience, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste. It is the perfect solution for leveraging the power and potential of PCs, tablets, BYOD and cloud computing to enable users to access the applications, desktops and data from any device anywhere, anytime.


NComputing, Inc. is the fastest growing application delivery and desktop virtualization company in the world with over 20 million daily users in 140 countries. The company's award-winning, patented technology lowers desktop computing costs, enriches user experience, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste. It is the perfect solution for leveraging the power and potential of PCs, tablets, BYOD and cloud computing to enable users to access the applications, desktops and data from any device anywhere, anytime.


NComputing, Inc. is the fastest growing desktop virtualization company in the world with over 20 million daily users in 140 countries. The company's award-winning, patented technology lowers desktop computing costs, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste. It is the perfect solution for leveraging the power and potential of PCs, tablets, BYOD and cloud computing. To learn more about NComputing, visit www.ncomputing.com.


Join NComputing at the most comprehensive educational technology conference in the United States and see how the vSpace solution can help you complete your IT equation.


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