St. John’s School Brings Multimedia Workstations to Every Classroom
Vision: Multimedia Work Spaces in Every Classroom
A private K-12 school in Concepción, Chile, St. John’s School focuses on preparing its 1,300 students to meet the demands of today’s high-tech, online world, with a vision of creating multimedia work spaces in every classroom. In addition to supporting learning with technology, the school seeks to better leverage computing resources to improve the efficiency of instructors.
Previously, desktop PCs were available only in computer labs and in 12 of the school’s 60 classrooms. While the rest of the classrooms had access to laptops that professors brought in, laptops were not a scalable, affordable solution going forward. A shortage of available computers and network access problems prevented teachers from registering attendance or grades in a timely manner or reliably integrating computers into classroom instruction.
“Heavy maintenance requirements of the existing equipment and the time we had to invest in maintaining it took away from the overall benefit of having computers, said Fernando Reyes, head of technology and computing.”
Up to 20 Work Stations from a Single Computer
Working with NComputing partner, Neting Multisistemas, St. John’s implemented NComputing L300 access devices and vSpace server software to increase the number of Windows workstations in classrooms. NComputing virtualizes desktops with thin client technology, and its end to end vSpace virtualization software delivers a better performing user experience than traditional thin client technology. It’s easier to implement and manage, and at a significanty lower cost.
With the NComputing solution, the school runs anywhere from 14 to 20 Windows workstations using a single server or computer. The school’s investment in shared computing hardware and NComputing thin client devices allows it to bring access to many more students and teachers for significantly less cost, maintenance time and resources.
St. John’s School implemented 90 L300 units, giving the school 90 workstations and coverage across all classrooms and labs. Teachers now have reliable computer access for recording attendance and grades, as well as to support learning. With more workstations in classrooms, the school began a Curricular Technology Integration Plan where teachers plan lessons using technology and students using computers to complete the lessons.
100% Classroom Coverage
In just three months, St. John’s School was able to bring computer access to 100 percent of its classrooms, realizing the goal of multimedia workstations in all instructional rooms. With a lower wireless network load, NComputing provides greater network availability, allowing teachers and students to get online when they need to. Data in the school management system stays more up to date.
“Everything is faster with the NComputing solution in place – taking attendance, emailing, dealing with paperwork and administrative needs,” said Constanza Lermanda, head teacher of second grade. “I can check parents’ emails while still at school instead of at home. The idea of having a blog for our students would not have worked without the terminals. Finding activities for the lab session became much easier.... Just Google it! And finally...‘Miss, I brought this slide presentation about cars to share?’ Just connect the projector and there you go! Happy students are sharing what they like with their classmates.”
Most impressively, the school expanded computer access in an efficient way and at a lower cost. “We reduced our software maintenance time by almost 80 percent, and if we had chosen traditional PCs for Windows workstations, we would have spent 70 percent more,” Reyes said.
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