“Working with NComputing has helped us solve the challenges associated with enabling affordable computing access to students in the government schools of Bihar, especially in schools located in the rural and remote areas of the state. This project would fulfill our chief minister's dream of providing high quality education, and the much-needed computing skills to millions of children across the state.”
“NComputing shared desktop computing technology delivers significant cost savings, which we can re-invest in software and services to ensure our students benefit from the most advanced and high standard of curriculum possible.”
“Our employees... accepted the new devices due to the high performance and they can access their data anytime, anywhere. As a company we are very happy with the easy to use solutions and the low cost of launching for the N500.”
“NComputing products are the ideal solution for any company that needs a centralised management of its virtual thin clients.”
“NComputing’s N400 has the best quality/price ratio on the market. In addition, the ease of integration immediately into our existing systems with zero downtime has delivered immediate ROI. End user acceptance has been unanimous.”
"El director de la escuela estaba impresionado y sorprendido por el coste relativamente bajo de la infraestructura de thin client. El coste por unidad ascendía a aproximadamente al 40% del anterior programa de tecnología"
"El director de la escuela estaba impresionado y sorprendido por el bajo costo de la infraestructura de cliente ligero. El costo por unidad representó aproximadamente un 40% del programa de tecnología anterior"
"Der Schulleiter war beeindruckt und überrascht von den vergleichsweise geringen Kosten für die Thin Client-Infrastruktur. Die Kosten je Einheit betrugen rund 40 % der Kosten für das bisherige Technologieprogramm."
"O diretor da escola ficou impressionado e surpreso com o preço comparavelmente baixo para a infraestrutura de Thin Client. O custo por unidade chega a aproximadamente 40% do programa anterior de tecnologia."
"The school director was impressed and surprised at the comparatively low cost for the thin client infrastructure. The cost per unit amounted to approximately 40% of the previous technology program."