BLOG: Sites Administrator

Finding money in your budget because of the N-series: What breakthrough price/performance can mean to your organization.


What would you do if you could drive a Maserati for the price of a Fiat?  What else would you do on your vacation if you could still stay at the Four Seasons but pay the price of the Holiday Inn?  Better yet, what would you do if you found out that you could pay an entire month’s worth of bills with a single paycheck rather than two?  You’d probably be thrilled.  And you can now do the same thing for your Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop, or VDI-in-a-Box implementations – and use a next-generation thin client that delivers 100% HDX at 1/3 the cost.

The above paragraph may seem somewhat glib, but the capabilities and price/performance of the new N-series devices are already making a difference for customers and partners around the world.  Customers tell us that they love the HDX experience and what it can deliver to their users.  But they also reflect a common challenge – that existing thin clients are too costly and too complex to manage, and most importantly, don’t deliver great performance.  What NComputing delivers is a set of next-generation endpoints that deliver the performance you hoped for with HDX – at prices that will open your eyes:  $129 list for the N400, $199 for the N500, and $249 for the N500 with wireless support.  

What does this mean for your organization?  Without compromise, customers are telling us that they can do any or all of the following:

  • Reduce the cost of the overall Citrix implementation to expand to more seats: Customers are finding that by using the NComputing thin clients they can lower the overall cost of their deployments – without compromising the performance needed to get the job done.
  • Use the savings to address other needed Citrix-related functions or solutions: Over the years, thin clients have become a requirement for certain applications.  And regardless of the type of Citrix rollout, a client device or PC for end users needs to be provided.  Customers and partners tell us that they always have to allocate project budget for thin clients – forcing them to put off other important initiatives.  With NComputing and its lower costs, you can start to get those other priorities in motion.
  • Re-alocate the savings: For some customers, the ability to save money means that they save budget and resources for other priorities across their organization.  Whether for other priorities across IT or to save the budget for mission-driven activities, NComputing provides the opportunity to deploy an HDX device that delivers the real performance needed at a third of the price.

In most technology markets, innovation has driven vast improvements in technology while driving lower prices.  Until now, thin clients have continued to be complex, kludgy, and way too costly.  With the N-series, NComputing has broken through.  There’s no reason to compromise when you can get 100% HDX at 1/3 the cost.

The big question now is: What will you do with the money your organization saves?


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