
Quote - Sumit Dhawan - Citrix

"Die Transformation in Cloud Computing und mobile Arbeitsstile erfolgt in ungeahntem Tempo. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern, wie z. B. NComputing mit seiner Erfahrung bei der Erstellung von Thin Client-Lösungen für virtualisierte Umgebungen, unterstützen wir Unternehmen bei der schnellen Erweiterung der Desktop-Virtualisierung mit neuen, kostengünstigen Geräten, die hochwertige hochauflösende HDX-Erfahrungen für Benutzer bieten. Die neue NComputing Thin Client-Reihe bietet den Kunden kostengünstige, leistungsfähige Thin Clients für virtuelle Desktop-Umgebungen."


Quote - Sumit Dhawan - Citrix

"A transformação na computação em nuvem e nos estilos de trabalho móveis está acontecendo a um ritmo sem precedentes. Ao trabalhar com parceiros como a NComputing, com sua experiência na criação de soluções de Thin Client para ambientes virtualizados, ajudamos as empresas a expandirem rapidamente as implementações de virtualização de desktop com equipamentos de muito baixo custo que oferecem aos usuários uma experiência de HDX de alta definição superior.


Quote - Sumit Dhawan - Citrix

"Transformation in cloud computing and mobile work styles is happening at an unprecedented pace. By working with partners such as NCompuitng with its expertise building thin client solutions for virtualized environments, we are helping enterprises rapidly expand desktop virtualization deployments with new very low-cost devices that deliver a superior high-definition HDX experience for users. Ncomputing new thin client line will give our customers a low-cost, high-performance thin client for their virtual desktop environments."


Citrix Ready Technical Webinar with NComputing

NComputing and Citrix are working together to transform the economics and accelerate the adoption of desktop virtualization. With NComputing’s breakthrough N-series devices developed specifically for the Citrix HDX Ready System-on-Chip program, customers can expand their deployments of key Citrix capabilities at dramatically lower costs and without compromising the HDX experience.

