Mark Pilgrim's blog

About the author

Mark Pilgrim

What role should Silicon Valley companies play in bringing ICT into African education?

This year’s eLearning Africa helped shed some light on the true state of technological innovation in Africa. During my presentation at the event, I ran a video featuring our African customers and partners speaking about their experience with technology. I think this was key for the audience as the interviews offered an interesting insight into the real ICT needs of the customers as well as useful examples of how they innovate with our technology to overcome local constraints.


British National Health Service confirms plans for smarter use of IT in healthcare

The UK Government this week confirmed plans for smarter use of IT in healthcare. The goal of digitising patient records is to save £5bn a year while improving the quality of patient care by making it easier for medical staff to share and access records. Tight deadlines mean new infrastructure will need to be deployed rapidly and with minimum disruption or delay.
