
HDX System-on-Chip

This white paper sets out to answer the questions, "Why use a System-on-Chip to support virtual computing deployments?" and "How is the HDX System-on-Chip different?"

Download your complimentary white paper to learn about:

  • The Citrix HDX System-on-Chip (SoC) program
  • Key criteria to consider when selecting an HDX SoC Thin Client
  • The architecture and engineering behind the Numo™ 3 System-on-Chip

Today’s PCs are far more powerful than the earliest room-filling computers.They also use less electricity. Arguably the first general-purpose computer,ENIAC drew roughly 150,000 watts of electricity. By comparison, today’s PCs consume about 110 watts. That seems small. But there was only one ENIAC —and there are 850 million PCs in use today.

NComputing systems are a major leap forward in green computing. More than 15,000 organizations in over 80 countries have used NComputing to slash their carbon footprint and electric consumption.


Este informe explica qué es la virtualización de clientes, cuáles son algunos de los distintos enfoques que están disponibles hoy en día y los beneficios que se obtienen al implementar una solución de virtualización de clientes cuidadosamente considerada, medida adecuadamente y bien administrada.

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