AMEC, Asistencia Médica Complementaria, fue fundada el 26 de agosto de 1992 en Montevideo (República Oriental del Uruguay), con el objetivo de brindar compañía y cuidado en sanatorio y domicilio a personas convalecientes, adultos mayores y niños, con la intención de circundar el área complementaria a la medicina.
In one of the largest ICT in Education projects of the country, the Gujarat Government deploys computer labs in 15,493 primary and upper primary government schools in the state—an initiative that is likely to benefit millions of children every year.
Paulo Freire, located in Oosterhout, Netherlands provides primary education to students in group one through eight. Its teachers and administrators are committed to delivering the essential knowledge that will enable their students to succeed in a diverse, global world where information technology is becoming a core component in not only education but in every day life.
"Zestawienie prostego wdrażania, niskich wydatków na zarządzanie jak również niskich kosztów jest połączone z wrażeniami z użytkowania porównywalnymi z PC."
The Government of Ghana and the Ministry of Education are committed to the rapid deployment and utilization of information and communications technology (ICT) throughout all levels of education as a means to transform the education system and improve the quality of life for all citizens in Ghana.
Until not long ago, Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh was grappling with acute issues related to its outdated IT infrastructure. The institution put all this behind by overhauling its entire legacy set up and going green with NComputing’s desktop virtualization solution.
Through its revolutionary and affordable desktop virtualization technology, NComputing enables one-to-one computing access for students and teachers in 3077 public schools and technical-vocational high schools of the Philippines.
Córdoba é a segunda maior cidade na Argentina. A Secretaria de Justiça abriga cinco Tribunais de Primeira Instância (Criminal, Civil, Empresarial, Administração de Disputas Laborais, e Eleitoral), e é a superintendência de todas as atividades judiciais da região.