BLOG: Nancy Robbins

Enterprise Customer Successes Showcased at Synergy 2012 Barcelona


Six months is a long time in the virtual computing market or so it seems from the speed of developments since Citrix Synergy 2012 this spring in San Francisco.

Back in May 2012 , NComputing responded to Citrix’s challenge for HDX Ready SoC thin clients with the introduction of the new N-series and the N400 thin client device. We had products to showcase, but naturally no customers to talk about.

And now at Citrix Synergy Barcelona, we’ve not just got a stand packed with the full N-series product line, but a growing list of customers who have not only started but are completing their deployments of N-series and Citrix solutions in their enterprises.

The speed of adoption says a great deal about how virtual computing is at a watershed. While the benefits are well articulated by vendors like NComputing and Citrix, there have been some persistent impediments to desktop virtualization extending its reach in key market sectors. These boiled down to price and performance: could a low cost thin client replace a high-powered PC workstation?

That’s what is so exciting about the new customers for N-series.

Several industrial enterprises are demanding new desktop infrastructures that are inherently cheaper to run but offer the same if not better user experience.  The availability of N-series catalyzed these customers to not only choose NComputing but to extend their use of virtual computing from task to knowledge workers like engineers.

Citrix Synergy Barcelona is going to be great opportunity to explore how N-series and Citrix solutions can extend the frontiers of desktop virtualization. Wonder what the picture will look like in six months time? See us streaming live from the showfloore at our booth in the Citrix Solution Expo.


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