North America
Compugen - Productos, servicios y soluciones de TI para el mundo real. Desde nuestros comienzos como una pequeña operación en Toronto, hasta llegar a ser uno de los proveedores de servicios de TI más importantes de Canadá, hemos recorrido un largo camino.
Compugen- produtos de TI, serviços e soluções para o mundo real. Nós percorremos um longo caminho a partir de nosso começo com uma pequena operação em Toronto até sermos um dos maiores prestadores de serviços de TI do Canadá. Passamos 30 anos construindo relacionamentos sólidos e bem sucedidos com nossos parceiros e clientes, e uma grande parte do nosso sucesso provém de dedicarmos tempo para ouvir e oferecer a ideia de que uma equipe de especialistas apaixonados e motivados pode resolver problemas complexos com soluções criativas e simplificar os negócios de TI.
NComputing, Inc. is the fastest growing application delivery and desktop virtualization company in the world with over 20 million daily users in 140 countries. The company's award-winning, patented technology lowers desktop computing costs, enriches user experience, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste. It is the perfect solution for leveraging the power and potential of PCs, tablets, BYOD and cloud computing to enable users to access the applications, desktops and data from any device anywhere, anytime.
SMBs to Benefit from DaaS Solution from NComputing
Mr. Manley oversees all sales, services, support, and strategic alliances within the Americas regions, as well driving additional business in new US and Latin America territories.
Mr. Manley has over twenty five years of experience in technology sales and sales management. Previously he ran his own sales and marketing consulting business which resulted in many strategic projects influencing the direction of his clients enabling growth and more efficient go-to-market programs.
"By working with partners such as NComputing with its expertise building thin client solutions for virtualized environments, we are helping enterprises rapidly expand desktop virtualization deployments with new very low-cost devices that deliver a superior high-definition HDX experience for users. NComputing's new thin client line will give our customers a low-cost, high-performance thin client for their virtual desktop environments."
NComputing, Inc. is the fastest growing desktop virtualization company in the world with over 20 million daily users in 140 countries. The company's award-winning, patented technology lowers desktop computing costs, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste. It is the perfect solution for leveraging the power and potential of PCs, tablets, BYOD and cloud computing. To learn more about NComputing, visit
"El director de la escuela estaba impresionado y sorprendido por el coste relativamente bajo de la infraestructura de thin client. El coste por unidad ascendía a aproximadamente al 40% del anterior programa de tecnología"
"El director de la escuela estaba impresionado y sorprendido por el bajo costo de la infraestructura de cliente ligero. El costo por unidad representó aproximadamente un 40% del programa de tecnología anterior"
"Der Schulleiter war beeindruckt und überrascht von den vergleichsweise geringen Kosten für die Thin Client-Infrastruktur. Die Kosten je Einheit betrugen rund 40 % der Kosten für das bisherige Technologieprogramm."