The Avcilar Hospital has been providing health care in Istanbul, Turkey since 1998. “Using the latest computing technology in all office departments and in the hospital’s operating and surgical unit is very important,” says Mr. Ersin Soygüzel, manager of the hospital’s computer department.
Gespeichert von Phil Mason am Mi, 08/20/2014 - 16:56
Hear why Randolph Central School District migrated off of Windows PCs and obtained the most stable platform for online testing and classroom learning at a fraction of the cost of buying new PCs or implementing VDI. Learn:
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"Zestawienie prostego wdrażania, niskich wydatków na zarządzanie jak również niskich kosztów jest połączone z wrażeniami z użytkowania porównywalnymi z PC."
The Oakland School for the Arts (OSA) located in downtown Oakland, CA serves 600 students and with a teaching and administrative staff of 75 employees offers a combination of a college- preparatory curriculum and a conservatory-style arts education.
Leveraging new technology is a key competitive edge in manufacturing. Legacy systems and outdated computers are quickly replaced to drive increased productivity from the company office to the factory floor. Fleetwood Industries, a furniture manufacturer based in Holland, Michigan, was typical in that it still had old ‘green screens’ and an outdated network that could only run limited manufacturing applications.
The slowing economy and housing market woes have placed tremendous budget pressure on school districts across the United States. In Georgia, the 16,000-student Dougherty County School System (DCSS) needed to cut student computing costs while demand for more computer access continued to grow. “We looked at buying new desktops, but costs were too high, and support and maintenance would have overwhelmed our IT staff,” said Les Barnett, Educational Technology Coordinator with DCSS.
Ma’arif Group Improves Computer Lab Effectiveness and Efficiency in 25 Schools across Saudi Arabia with NComputing
SANTA CLARA, Calif. – 10 August, 2014 - NComputing, a leader in client virtualisation solutions, today announced that Ma’arif Group, the largest owner and operator of private schools in Saudi Arabia, is transforming the learning experience in its computer laboratories with virtual desktops replacing PCs. The new solution, currently deployed in 25 of Ma’arif Group’s schools, provides more reliable computing services for teachers and students, while being simpler to manage and maintain.
Kentucky District Achieves Sustainable Refresh Cycle for Student Workstations
When officials from Middle Eastern countries came together for the second annual Neighboring Countries of Iraq Foreign Ministers meeting, conference organizers had to work fast to come up with a cost-effective way to provide convenient, reliable computer access throughout the convention hall.
With the significant contribution of NComputing’s L300 virtual desktop device, Esenler Municipality, based in Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, now has its first digital library. Deployed by Ertugrul Gunay, Minister of Culture and Tourism, the library includes over 7,500 digital books, of which 2,500 are audio books designed for people who are visually impaired.