
O GRUPO EMI é uma das multinacionais mais importantes da área de Emergência Médica na América Latina e um fiel usuário da tecnologia da NComputing em seus diversos setores e postos de trabalho no Uruguai.


GRUPO EMI es una de las multinacionales más importantes en el tema de emergencia médica en América Latina y son fieles usuarios de la tecnología NComputing en sus diversas áreas y puestos de trabajo en Uruguay.

Desde Call centers, hasta áreas de despacho y clínicas de atención al público, la tecnología NComputing les permite ahorrar TCO (Costo Total de Propiedad) y ser más eficientes con su presupuesto ya que les ayuda a implementar el concepto de “Mi PC” o “PC Virtual” para su equipo de trabajo, tanto usuarios fijos como rotativos.

¿Quiere saber cómo lo hicieron?


GRUPO EMI is one of the leading Latin American multinationals in the field of emergency medicine, and a dedicated user of NComputing technology companywide in Uruguay.

From call centers to shipping centers and clinics, NComputing technology helps them reduce TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), and enables them to stretch budgets with the concept of “my PC” or “virtual PC” equipment for their office-based and mobile medical teams.

Want to know how they did it?


“NComputing devices and software deployed at ESIC hospitals ensure effective and optimum utilization of resources at minimum cost to ESIC beneficiaries”


Virtual desktops are revolutionizing the economics of computing. Millions have already saved 75% or more on hardware, 75% on maintenance, and 90% on electricity with NComputing.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How desktop virtualization works
  • What makes NComputing different
  • Who is already benefiting, and how you can too
  • And where virtual desktops make the most sense

This introductory webinar is aimed at IT staff and budget owners.

