Provide a classroom Windows desktop experience at a fraction of the cost of PCs or VDI

Randolph Central School District

Provide a classroom Windows desktop experience at a fraction of the cost of PCs or VDI

Hear why Randolph Central School District migrated off of Windows PCs and obtained the most stable platform for online testing and classroom learning at a fraction of the cost of buying new PCs or implementing VDI. Learn:

  • Why the district chose the NComputing vSpace thin client solution over a VDI solution from VMware
  • How the district is saving money on hardware repairs, software maintenance and energy costs
  • Why the vSpace L300 thin client is the preferred device for ISTEP assessment testing in the district
Jonathan Butler
Jonathan Butler
Senior Network Administrator
Randolph Central School District
Jonathan is responsible for managing Randolph Central School Corporation's  IT Infrastructure, including servers, workstations, and online testing.
Jeff Birnbaum
Jeff Birnbaum
Product Marketing Manager